Tech Tip TECH TIP NO.: TTSCSI.026 PRODUCTS: Series 15 Fast Fisk EISA Caching SCSI Host Adapter Series 44 Fast Disk EISA Caching SCSI Host Adapter Series 441 Fast Disk-F EISA Caching SCSI Host Adapter Series 48 Fast Disk NC SCSI Host Adapter DATE: 3/24/93 ORIGINATOR: Don Burns RELEASED BY: Documentation Control SUBJECT: SCO UNIX: AMI SCSI Controllers When utilizing multiple LUNs under SCO UNIX, the "mkdev hd" and "mkdev fs" utilities must be completed on a single LUN before using these utilities on another LUN. The file system should be rebuilt after each of the "mkdev" operations. The results of not following this procedure are erratic naming conventions (i.e. what you named a LUN 1 partition might later be assigned to LUN 0), and the failure of building the second filesystem. This example is the minimum of what might be encountered if the entire set of "mkdev" operations is not completed on a single LUN before starting another! Follow the steps below to avoid encountering this problem. 1: #mkdev hd {Enter host adapter, id and LUN information} {Choose to rebuild the kernel} {Choose to reboot} 2: #mkdev hd {Enter the same information as above} {configure the partitions, and name the device} {Choose to rebuild the kernel} {Choose to reboot} 3: #mkdev fs {Enter the same information as above} {Enter the name of the directory that you want the device mounted} {Choose to rebuild the kernel once again} {Choose to reboot} ***Repeat steps 1-3 for the second LUN.